Tag: Vaccination for Dogs

Vaccinating puppies at an early age is a crucial step in safeguarding them against dangerous diseases. For puppies as young as 4 weeks old, Nobivac® Puppy-DPv (DPV) and NEOPAR are two commonly considered options. Both vaccines provide valuable protection, offering distinct benefits for early vaccinations. Here’s an overview of why each vaccine stands out as […]

Many owners of a new puppy wonder when they should allow it to start socializing with other dogs. There are several reasons why you should keep your young puppy away from large groups of dogs, especially before they have completed their vaccination series and socialization training. This week, we want to offer a veterinary perspective […]

Keeping your dog up to date on vaccinations is important for several reasons. Vaccinations can protect your dog from many serious and potentially life-threatening diseases. These diseases can be spread from dog to dog, and some can even be transmitted to humans. By ensuring that your dog is properly vaccinated, you can help to prevent […]